Texas Estate Planning Attorney
Estate planning encompasses more than creating a will or family trust. We meet with you to determine your estate planning needs. Working together, we offer guidance on how to design an estate plan that honors your wishes and protects your estate.
Our goal is to ensure you have completed all the necessary documents to avoid court-appointed guardianship. We review your estate plan to verify all important documents are completed such as medical power of attorney should you become incapacitated.
We offer guidance for selecting a guardian of your will, executor of your will, or trustee for your trust. We understand the difficulty of selecting an individual you can trust to handle your affairs during a stressful and emotional time. At each step during the process, we explain the document, the purpose of the document, and when the document would be needed.
We work closely with blended families to create specialized estate plans for individual family members to avoid misunderstandings in the future.