The Most Important Questions to Ask Your Probate Attorney in Ennis

probate attorney

Many Americans don?t have a will and have never met with a probate attorney.

Meeting with an attorney can be a difficult and stressful prospect. However, it can be made easier if you know the most important questions to ask to ensure you make the right decisions for you and your family.

A probate attorney, also known as an estate lawyer, is a licensed professional with the legal education and experience to take a Personal Representative, that includes Executors and beneficiaries of an estate, through the legal process.

Hiring the right attorney is integral to ensuring your assets are passed down to the next generation without any problems. Let?s go through the most important questions to ask a probate attorney on your first meeting:

Ask About the Experience of Your Probate Attorney

The experience you want your lawyer?to have is partly a matter of personal preference. For example, it may be important to you that they have experience working with a similar case to yours.

However, it?s important to make sure your lawyer primarily practices as a probate lawyer to ensure they know their stuff and that the process is efficient and effective.

It’s also good to know?whether they have experience working at the local court.

Every state has different practices and it?s important your lawyer has experience in the court in which your case will be assigned. This means that the process will run much more smoothly.

Ask About the Legal Process

Asking about the legal process includes questions about how?long?it will take.

This doesn’t?need?to be exact and?there is no need to rush the process, but?your attorney should be able to estimate this. This is important for you to plan your budget.

It’s also good to about?means of communication.

Is your lawyer is easy to visit??Maybe they prefer?E-Mail? Decide on something that suits you both.

Some lawyers even provide annual reviews for an additional small fee. Many lawyers are also happy to make themselves available at short notice if necessary.

Also, don’t forget to ask them how much they charge for their services. Keep in mind that the consultation is usually free.

Ask Them About Your Case

Find out who will be working on your case. Many lawyers work in teams or have support staff. You need to be comfortable working with your lawyer and the people they work with.

You should also find out if they can identify?any potential difficulties with your case. This may require decisions to be made and could cause delays in your case.

Whatever they say, the quality of the answer reflects the experience and knowledge of your lawyer.

Final Thoughts

Now you know the most important questions to ask your probate attorney to make the process easier.

Meeting a lawyer can be a?stressful thing, especially when it concerns sensitive matters. However, if you consider the above questions before going, it’ll be a lot easier.

If you would like to arrange a free 30-minute consultation, then get in touch today.


  1. Deb Pearl on February 20, 2018 at 3:03 pm

    My dad would really like to hire a probate lawyer, but he doesn’t know what to ask when he goes in for a consultation. I think that is a great idea to ask about their experience. It would be important to know that they have experience working with a similar case to my dad’s.

  2. Burt Silver on July 2, 2018 at 3:48 pm

    I really like how you share questions that you should ask and discuss with the person you are looking to be your lawyer. This is something that I am not very knowledgeable about so what you shared will be very useful for me. Hopefully, I can find a good lawyer soon that can help me to better understand the laws and things like that.

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